
Debugging with VS Code

  1. Install go install
  2. Install VS Code extension rust-analyzer and CodeLLDB
  3. build @rspack/cli and napi binding by run pnpm install && pnpm -w build:cli:dev
  4. In VS Code's Run and Debug tab, select Debug Rspack to start debugging the initial launch of @rspack/cli with a simple rspack project. This task can be configured in .vscode/launch.json.

Common Debugging Scenarios Guide

Debugging Rust

Simply set breakpoints in the specified Rust code and start Debug Rspack to begin debugging.

Debugging JavaScript

When starting Debug Rspack, select the --inspect or --inspect-brk option, then start Attach JavaScript and choose the PID of the corresponding process.

Debugging a running Rspack process

When Rspack is integrated into other frameworks or tools (such as Nx), it may be difficult to independently start Rspack in Launch mode. In this case, you can debug the code through attach mode. Start Attach Rust and select the PID of the Rspack process, and start Attach JavaScript to debug JavaScript.

Debugging a Rspack process with a deadlock

When using Attach Rust to attach the debugger to the Rspack process, click the Pause button on the Debugger to set breakpoints at the deadlock scene.


tracing is used to instrumenting Rspack.

The supported tracing levels for

  • release builds are INFO, WARN and ERROR
  • debug builds are TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN and ERROR

Use the RSPACK_PROFILE environment variable for displaying trace information

RSPACK_PROFILE=TRACE=layer=logger rspack build
# filter for an event
RSPACK_PROFILE='TRACE=layer=logger&filter=rspack_core::compiler::compilation' rspack build
# with logger level
RSPACK_PROFILE='TRACE=layer=logger&filter=rspack_core::compiler::compilation=info' rspack build
# filter logs across multiple modules
RSPACK_PROFILE='TRACE=layer=logger&filter=rspack_core::compiler::compilation,rspack_core::build_chunk_graph::code_splitter' rspack build
# [fn_name] will show:
# - all functions calls to `fn_name`
# - the arguments(except for these in the `skip` list)
# - everything until this function returns
RSPACK_PROFILE='TRACE=layer=logger&filter=[build_chunk_graph]' rspack build
# compilation::chunk_asset is a custom instrument name
RSPACK_PROFILE='TRACE=layer=logger&filter=[compilation:chunk_asset]' rspack build
# log a specific function by their arguments
RSPACK_PROFILE='TRACE=layer=logger&filter=[compilation:chunk_asset{filename="main\.js"}]' rspack build
# It support regexp expression
RSPACK_PROFILE='TRACE=layer=logger&filter=[compilation:chunk_asset{filename=".*\.js"}]' rspack build
# disable ansi color escape codes
NO_COLOR=1 RSPACK_PROFILE=TRACE=layer=logger rspack build


rspack_resolver emits some tracing information for debugging purposes.

RSPACK_PROFILE='TRACE=filter=rspack_resolver=trace&layer=logger' rspack build


rust-lldb can be used to get panic information from debug builds

rust-lldb -- node /path/to/rspack build

Once it launches, press r for running the program.

For example, examples/arco-pro crashes without any information before this fix:

rspack/examples/arco-pro ❯ node ../../packages/rspack-cli/bin/rspack build Rspack ██████████████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 56% building ./pages/welcome zsh: bus error node ../../packages/rspack-cli/bin/rspack build

Using rust-lldb

rspack/examples/arco-pro ❯ rust-lldb -- node ../../packages/rspack-cli/bin/rspack build

Press r and it prints:

Process 23110 stopped * thread #10, name = 'tokio-runtime-worker', stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=2, address=0x70000cc66560) frame #0: 0x0000000140d0db4b rspack.darwin-x64.node`swc_ecma_parser::parser::expr::ops::_$LT$impl$u20$swc_ecma_parser..parser..Parser$LT$I$GT$$GT$::parse_unary_expr::h29f49330a806839c(self=0x0000000000000000) at 241 /// Parse unary expression and update expression. 242 /// 243 /// spec: 'UnaryExpression' -> 244 pub(in crate::parser) fn parse_unary_expr(&mut self) -> PResult<Box<Expr>> { 245 trace_cur!(self, parse_unary_expr); 246 let start = cur_pos!(self); 247 Target 0: (node) stopped.